TEAS Practice Test

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TEAS Test Exam - Test of Essential Academic Skills: Reading Comprehension, Sentence Correction, Math Problem Solving, Sentence Completion
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TEAS Certification Facts
The Test of Essential Academic Skills, or simply TEAS, is a harmonized admission exam used by many nursing institutions to assess potential students for admission. The examination is developed and managed by ATI and is designed to be a determinant factor for a candidate’s success in a nursing institution. The test aims to evaluate the individual’s skills in English, reading, science, language usage, and math.
The TEAS test consists of four different sections and is basically multiple-choice questions. The total number of exam questions to expect is 170 and you are required to complete them within a period of 209 minutes. Out of the 170 test questions, 20 questions do not count towards your overall scores because they are designed to be used for internal testing intentions.
The TEAS test scores is usually made available as soon as you are done with the exam if you have taken the computer based examination. However, if you have taken the pencil and paper exam, your scores will be available within 48 hours.