TASC Practice Test
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TASC Certification Facts
The Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) is a preparation program designed for the students who are unlikely to graduate with their peers due to credit deficiency. Although these students have credit deficiency, they still have the potentials to complete graduation requirements needed to obtain their high school corresponding diploma. The individuals in this category usually have a customized plan to help them prepare for the TASC exam.
The duration of the TASC program depends largely on a lot of variables, such as the academic ability of the student, the age, and work ethics. As soon as the student attains appropriate required scores on the Official Readiness Assessment, they will be counseled to write the TASC examination.
To be eligible for the TASC test, the student must be within the ages of 16 and 20. For 16-years-olds who have not yet completed their school year at the time they turn 16, they will need the least attendance requirements of NYSED, which is 27.5 hours of vocational experience every week. Secondly, the student must not have finished from high school or earned sufficient Regents Credits at the time of taking the exam. He/she must also score at least 9.0 in math and reading on the Test of Adult Basic Education which is usually taken before contemplating the TASC test.