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PTE Practice Test

Exam: PTE (Pearson Test of English)

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PTE Certification Facts

The Pearson Test of English (PTE) is a three hour computer based test designed to measure a candidate’s ability to use the English language in an academic context. The test evaluates an individual’s communicative skills in speaking, listening, writing, and reading through a series of questions from sourced materials.

The PTE test was launched in 2009 and has become widely accepted by professional bodies, universities, governments, and employers from all around the world. This test is designed to examine a candidate’s ability to perform meaningful intellectual activities with the English language in a testing scenario. Therefore, the performance of a test taker has no direct correlation with being a native speaker of the English language or not.

The PTE test is evaluated using an automated scoring technology. The candidates are offered with scores from 10 to 90 overall and across the specified skills. This scoring scale is based on the GCE (Global Scale of English).

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