PRAXIS I Practice Test
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PRAXIS Mathematics Section Exam - Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) - Mathematics Section
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PRAXIS Reading Section Exam - Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) - Reading Section
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PRAXIS Writing Section Exam - Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) - Writing Section
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PRAXIS I Certification Facts
The PRAXIS exam is designed to measure the academic skills of candidates in mathematics, writing, and reading. The tests have been developed to offer an all-inclusive assessment that evaluates the content knowledge and skills of students seeking admission into teacher preparation programs. The PRAXIS exams are usually administered on the candidates during the early years of their college career.
The exams are computer based and are administered through a network of international test centers. The PRAXIS test can only be taken in the English language while the non-speaking English candidates can be qualified for extended testing time to help them prepare for the exam.
The specific examination you sit for is dependent on the requirements of the licensing agency or state for the teaching career you are pursuing. This is because each agency or state using the PRAXIS tests has their own specific requirements for writing the exam.
Your score in the exam depends on the total number of questions you answer rightly and there is no subtraction or penalty for incorrect answers.