NREMT Practice Test

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NREMT Exam - National Registry Emergency Medical Technician
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Test prep.certkiller.nremt.v2021-06-09.by.oliver.221q.ete |
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NREMT Certification Facts
The National Registry Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT) test is a non-governmental body that develops and administers a certification examination based on the guidelines of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). It is important to note that there is a clear difference between earning the NREMT certification and being licensed as an Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) by your state of operation.
The NREMT is designed to objectively validate the EMT candidates who have completed the educational requirements of NREMT and have displayed their skills in mandated exams. The NREMT exam consists of multiple-choice questions that have four possible answers each. However, there is just one best answer, even though others are plausible ones. The examination is computer based and is administered in the format of Computer Adaptive Testing.
At the start of the exam, the candidate receives average level test questions and as they progress, the questions get harder. The number of questions answered by the students is dependent on the number of questions answered correctly. The average number of questions is 70 while some can get as much as 130 questions and even more. The scores are made available to the candidates within 24 to 48 hours after taking the exam. The individual can retake the examination after 15 days of taking the first test if he fails.