NET Practice Test
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NET Exam - Nurse Entrance Test
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NET Certification Facts
The Nurse Entrance Test (NET) is developed and administered through specialized schools. Test takers can register and reserve their exam seats through the online platform. The examination is computer based and consists of 6 different parts. The six sections of the exam are mandatory as they formed the basis of scoring the candidates.
The time allotted for the completion of the test is 2.5 hours and the scores are made available to the candidate immediately after the exam. The examination scores are valid for a period of 24 months and the applicants who didn’t pass this test will need to wait for 60 days before its re-taking. If the candidate fails the exam, he can attempt the NET examination up to three times within a year. However, the full fee will be paid before the test can be taken again.
The six sections of the NET cover reading and comprehension, stress level exam, math skills, learning style, exam taking skills, and social interaction. Although, all these six chapters of the exam must be written, the candidate is expected to have a minimum of 65 scores in Comprehensive Math, and 55 scores in Reading Comprehension to be able to apply for the nursing program.