NBRC Practice Test
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RPFT Exam - Registered Pulmonary Function Technologist
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NBRC Certification Facts
The National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) is no doubt a clear demonstration of the strengths and skills needed to provide the best quality respiratory care to patients. All the examinations offered by NBRC are developed and administered by a committee of reputable credentialed pulmonary function technologists, respiratory therapists and other respiratory and pulmonary care specialists.
The NBRC examinations are designed to showcase the candidate’s advanced skills and experience in adult critical care, pulmonary function technology, sleep disorder testing & therapeutic intervention, and neonatal-paediatric respiratory care. The tests definitely position you for a better career with higher salary range at a high quality medical institution.
The two exams offered by NBRC are Certified Respiratory Therapist (CTR) and Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT). Both the RRT and CRT tests are designed to be used as the basic platform for licensure in the 49 states that control respiratory care practice.