MCAT Practice Test
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MCAT Test Exam - Medical College Admission Test: Verbal Reasoning, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Writing Sample
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MCAT Certification Facts
The MCAT – Medical College Admission Test is a standardized multi-choice exam that is developed and managed by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The examination is designed to help facilitate medical school admission processes.
The MCAT examines the candidate’s capacity in the areas of critical thinking, problem solving, knowledge of behavioural, social science, natural concepts, and principles required to study medicine. This test covers 4 different components: Physician Sciences, Scientific Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Scientific Reasoning (Biological Sciences).
The MCAT exam is computer based and each of the sections in this examination is scored on a range of 118 and 132, with a 125 median score. The total score is based on 500, ranging from 472 and 528. The candidates are expected to finish the test within a period of seven and a half hours. Before writing this exam, it is important that you take at least two semesters of each of Physics, Organic Chemistry, Biology, and Chemistry.