LSAT Practice Test

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LSAT Test Exam - Law School Admission Test: Logical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Analytical Reasoning
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LSAT Certification Facts
The LSAT – Law School Admission Test is a prerequisite for gaining admission into majority of the Law Schools. The LSAT exam consists of five different multiple-choice questions with a 35-minute time frame allocated to complete each of them.
Out of the five sections, only four ones contribute to the candidate’s overall scores. The test questions cover two Logical Reasoning parts, one Reading Comprehension part, and one Analytical Reasoning part. The other section, which is the un-scored part, is designed to pre-test or pre-equate new exam questions and forms.
The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is designed to evaluate the candidate’s skills that are critical for law school success. That is the ability of the student to read and comprehend a complex text with high accuracy, preciseness, and insight is important for success in law school. Also, the management and organization of information along with the ability to derive important inferences is also important for the law school success.
Finally, the ability to think critically, evaluate and analyze arguments and reasoning is also an integral part of what is tested during the LSAT exam.