IELTS Practice Test

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Complete IELTS Guide Exam - Complete IELTS Guide
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IELTS Certification Facts
The International English Language Testing System, or globally known as IELTS, is the most prominent English language test in the world. It is designed for those candidates who are ,looking to apply for studying at a higher educational institution in an English speaking country. This test is also used as part of the requirements for global migration. Above 3 million IELTS tests were taken within the last year.
The test measures an individual’s skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing of the English language and it is created to imitate how you will use English in communication at work, and social gathering in your new resident abroad. The IELTS is the globally recognized test of the English language that makes of use a systemic one-on- one interaction exam to evaluate a candidate’s communication skills in English. In other words, it is administered in a real life conversation and with a real person. The IELTS test is created by some of the leading experts in world of language assessment. It is accepted by more than ten thousand organizations all over the world and it has an impeccable international reputation in many countries worldwide.