HSPT Practice Test

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HSPT Test Exam - High School Placement Test
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HSPT Certification Facts
The High School Placement Test (HSPT) is a scholastic exam designed for the students seeking admission into the Catholic High School. This examination consists primarily of 5 multiple-choice charters: Mathematics, Reading, Verbal, Language Skills, and Quantitative Skills.
Structure of HSPT Test
- The Mathematics section focuses on Concepts and Problem Solving. It consists of a total of 64 questions and the students have a time allowance of 45 minutes to complete the questions.
- The Reading aspect is basically focusing on Vocabulary and Comprehension. The section consist of 62 questions and the time allocated to it is 25 minutes.
- The Verbal Skills section consists of 60 questions and covers Verbal Analogies, Logic, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Verbal Classifications. The students are expected to complete this section within 16 minutes.
- The Language Skills test covers Punctuation & Capitalization, Spelling, Usage, and Composition. There are a total of 60 questions with 25 minutes time allowance for their completion.
- The Quantitative Skills section is designed with a total of 52 questions and a time allowance of 30 minutes. The areas to be tested in this section include Non-Geometric and Geometric Comparison alongside Number Manipulation.