GRE Practice Test
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GRE Test Exam - Graduate Record Examination Test: Verbal, Quantitative, Analytical Writing
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GRE Certification Facts
The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a standardized testd esigned to be used for an admission process for many graduate programs. The exam measures the candidate’s abstract thinking capacity in areas, such as verbal reasoning (vocabulary), analytical writing, and quantitative reasoning (mathematics). The test scores for quantitative and verbal sections range between 130 and 170. For the analytical writing, the scale of scores is between 0 and 6.
The GRE examination comes in the form of two different written essays with a total of 58 exam questions. The candidate has a maximum of 150 minutes to complete this test.
Scope of Test Areas:
- Quantitative Reasoning
The Quantitative Reasoning test consists of two different sections. Each of the sections is designed with 20 questions and the candidate has a total of 35 minutes to complete each of them.
- Verbal Reasoning
The Verbal Reasoning aspect also has two different sections containing 20 questions each. The candidates are expected to complete each of them within 30 minutes.
- Analytical Writing
The Analytical Writing test focuses on two different analyses: “Analyze and Argument” and “Analyse an Issue”. Each task is expected to be completed within 30 minutes and the purpose of the exam is to assess the candidate’s ability to provide focused response to specific writing prompt.