GMAT Practice Test
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GMAT Certification Facts
The GMAT is a worldly recognized entrance test, designed to check academic abilities of candidates to study successfully at business schools. In addition, it is one of selection criteria for taking on the MBA program used by most reputable business schools. Moreover, GMAT test is an advantage for candidates along with the test experience, marks at the previous schools, testimonials, while commissions are considering their applications.
This test is taken by more than a quarter of one million candidates, and results of examination are accepted at 1500 universities and business schools, valid for 5400 various educational programs which are carried out worldwide. Unsurprisingly, the demand and popularity of examination rises.
It is annually taken by the candidates working in various fields of economy with the most different experience and from different countries worldwide. Thus, the selection committee can easily compare the level of knowledge, apparently, of absolutely different applicants.
The GMAT test comprises 4 sections: Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, the Quantitative and Verbal.
Analytical Writing Assessment includes a 30-minustes essay, which measures candidate’s critical thinking and communication ability.
Integrated Reasoning checks the ability of a candidate to interpret information from multiple sources. 12 questions are given for 30 minutes. The level of complexity increases from the question to the question and there's no way to go back to the previous question.
In Quantitative section problem –solving skills and ability to reason quantitatively are measured. The candidate answers 37 questions in 75 minutes.
The Verbal section includes reading comprehension, critical reasoning, sentence correction questions. A test taker has 75 minutes to answer 41 question. On the whole the test lasts 3 hours and 30 minutes. The score ranges from 200 to 800 points. To apply for top MBI programs 700 points are required.
The price for the test is unified -$250 and the results are valid for 5 years.