CSET Practice Test
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CSET Certification Facts
Implemented in 2003, California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) suite of examinations had been developed for teachers’ professional education and examination in the state of California. This examination covers over 40 different subjects and subject domains. The most commons tests are Multiple Subject, Social Science, English and Mathematics examinations.
An exam structure is varied and consists of several subtests. Depend on a subject, the test items may be multiple choice questions or essays (short answer). Exams duration and length vary, but an average examination includes around 110 questions and 5 essays, and lasts for 5 hours. Exam fee depends on the subject, and costs between $70 and $100 per one exam, the total examination will cost $200-$300. Dates of exams vary from subject to subject. Some exams are available for taking over the whole year through any of Pearson VUE testing center; the others could be got by several times a year. The results of a paper test would be available in about the month since exam date, and computer test results – in 2-3 weeks.