CNA Practice Test
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CNA Certification Facts
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) test is the first step in career of nurse helper, who undertake to the patient care. Nurse assistant is the bridge between nurses and patients, they bodily care for people and do all required procedures to help nurses. Main CNA duties are: bathing, feeding and dressing patients; beds making, meals serving; taking vital signs (temperature, pulse, arterial tension, breath); medical procedures’ assistance; patient condition monitoring.
Every state provides CNA program in the different ways, and each state examination is unique. The knowledge area is quite wide: nurse assistant roles; nurse care procedures; promotion of safety and health of patients; specialized care. CNA exam held in Prometric Testing Centers and consist of written and clinical skills parts. Written part includes multi-choice questions; during the practical test, candidates must demonstrate their skills to 2 nurses who evaluate them. CNA Test last all the day, the test results will be received immediately.