CFA Level 3 Practice Test
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CFA Level 3 Exam - CFA Level 3
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CFA Level 3 Certification Facts
The persons, who successfully passed all 3 exams, receive the rank “CFA charterholder”. The largest world employers that deal with finances strive to hire CFA charterholders, hence the CFA certificate is a ticket to the world of big finances. To obtain the certificate, a candidate has to have at least 4 years of investment decision-making experience and successful completion of all the levels of CFA program. And an applicant must be a CFA Institute member.
Level III exam consists of multi-choice questions and essay. There are two parts, the morning and the afternoon sections. Morning section includes 8-12 questions which require a detailed answer (essay), and afternoon section includes 10 questions’ sets. Each essay has more than 2 parts, and a candidate must be very attentive while answering the questions, given that for each part a few minutes are allocated. The results of examinations will be known within 90 days. The examination passing is very difficult, an average percent of candidates who passed all of them and received CFA credential is about 52%.