CBEST Practice Test
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CBEST Certification Facts
This test was established in 1984 to confirm an ability of individuals to teach children in public schools. CBEST doesn’t estimate exactly teaching expertise, but only skills related to the maths, reading and writing (critical thinking, solving problems, ability to express the viewpoints etc.). It guarantees that prospective teachers are sufficiently qualified in reading, writing and mathematics. The test lasts for 4 hours and consists of three parts: 50 multiple-choice questions about mathematics and reading for each of them and 2 essays in writing exams. The candidate has to earn at least 123 points per exam, but not less than 37 points in each of math and reading. Writing skills are estimated by 6-range score scale.
CBEST aims at evaluation of skills for beginners as well as for teachers who have more than 39 months without teaching practice. The certificate guarantees that candidate has the satisfactory qualification to provide an adequate level of knowledge for students in elementary and secondary schools as well as in higher education level.