ASSET Practice Test
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ASSET Exam - Short Placement Tests Developed by ACT
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ASSET Certification Facts
ASSET school exam by ACT estimates the reading, writing and numerical skills of pupils and identify the strong and weak knowledge in each of these subjects. The test consists of 2 parts: Basic Exam (evaluates writing, grammar, reading and numeric skills) and Advanced Mathematical Skills Test (100 questions about different categories of algebra and geometry). There’s no required minimum number of credits, this exam defines whether student may enter to a college immediately or after the preparation classes. And sure, it highlights the subjects, which pupil should concentrate on.
This exam is very important for the further career, so better to take a time and prepare for it. This test was designed to help schoolchildren to success in school.
The exam is multiple-choice, with clear and easy-to-understand questions. The basis part of the test has 3 sections and lasts for 75 minutes. Mathematical test has 4 sections and lasts 100 minutes (25 minutes per each test section). Some institutions may demand student to pass more than one test to be able to enter their course.