AGA Practice Test
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CGFM Exam - Certified Government Financial Manager
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AGA Certification Facts
The Association of Government Accountants (AGA) developed their own program and tests to provide higher professional standards for specialists of reporting, budgeting and accounting in governmental financial system.
The CGFM Certificate will be issued to an individual who’ve passed three examinations of the program:
- about the governmental environment (organization, management, financial process);
- the accounting and budgeting (knowledge and understanding of the state, local and federal finances);
- governmental financial control and management (techniques, functions, internal control). Two hours and 15 min are set aside for each section.
The tests are providing all year round, and applicants must schedule their exams in advance. The schedule is quite flexible, so it will be simple to choose the dates you prefer through Pearson VUE system. There are hundreds of locations in USA, Canada and some other countries where you may pass the exam.
Preparing for the exam imply training knowledge and skills in the organization of all government system and features of public finances as well as financial management. After passing the exam, you will be able to get a job in any governmental financial department.